This powerful, prophetic enactment of God’s love for his wayward bride, Israel, is what gives the novel its emotional drive and has made it so transformative in the lives of millions of readers. God tells Hosea his wife will be unfaithful to him, but each time she is, Hosea is sent to find her and bring her back. It also takes inspiration from the biblical book of Hosea, in which the prophet is instructed to marry a wayward woman. Rivers states in the book that Angel’s journey in some ways reflects her own – not her journey to finding a husband, but to finding and learning to be loved by God. Fans of the book will be reassured to know that Rivers co-wrote the screenplay, and is listed as one of the executive producers it is clear she had a certain amount of control over how her story was told.įor it is, in part, her story. New movie Redeeming Love is based on the popular novel of the same name by the US Christian fiction author Francine Rivers. He learns that her name is Angel, and even when he is told she is a prostitute, he doesn’t change his mind: he knows this is the girl he’s going to marry. Michael Hosea is unloading produce from his farm when he notices a beautiful girl walking down the street. The place: Pair-a-Dice, a dusty, Californian town in the gold rush era. 25 years on from the Good Friday Agreement, the Church still has a vital role to play.Matt Redman: ‘Reverence in worship has become my lifelong pursuit’.

Rev Les Isaac: ‘I get bored if I’m in church too much.