In Wait Till Next Year, Doris tells of meeting baseball heroes, of nail-biting games, of having to confess at Confession that she wished the other team’s players would be injured so Dodgers could win, of the exciting World Series win in 1955, and of her sorrow as the Dodgers left Brooklyn in 1957. “It was that October that I first understood the pain, bravado, and prayer woven into the simple slogan that served Dodgers fans as a recurring anthem: ‘Wait till next year.’ ” ~Doris Kearns Goodwin During the Dodgers’ scrappy early years, Doris and her father were ardent and loyal fans and they lived out the slogan “wait until next year” over and over again.

Through baseball she learned how to tell a great narrative and to keep hope alive, from her mom she grew to appreciate the joy of reading, and from her father she experienced the joys and disappointments of baseball.

Memorably, her Long Island neighborhood was divided between Dodgers, Giants, and Yankees fans. Genre/categories: Nonfiction, biography, memoir, baseball, nostalgia Summary:ĭoris Kearns Goodwin writes an endearing memoir of growing up in the late 40s and 50s as family, baseball, neighborhood, and church provided the secure and stable foundation for her life.

Wait Till Next Year by Doris Kearns Goodwin In honor of the recent, well-played, and highly spirited 2017 World Series, I decided it’s timely to read and review this popular memoir. At that time, I was reminded of Goodwin’s Wait Till Next Year that had been on my TBR list for some time and which had been declared one of my husband’s favorite reads last year. In fact, it was after the Dodgers’ loss in Game 7 of the recent World Series that a fan vehemently shouted these exact words captured by a reporter’s microphone and camera. This nostalgic and family-centered memoir is loads of fun for baseball fans (especially Dodgers, Yankees, or Giants fans)! (Might even be a great Christmas gift!)įrom loyal baseball fans, the refrain “Wait Until Next Year!” can often be heard after suffering a disappointing loss.